About Us
Vision: Healthier Canadians
Mission: “To improve the diet, physical health and wellness of Canadians.”
Focus: The prevention and management of chronic diseases. A preventative healthcare approach reduces the burden of chronic diseases — specifically obesity, diabetes, cardio vascular diseases, several forms of cancer, and osteoporosis. Many of these chronic illnesses can be better managed, treated or mitigated through diet intervention, leading to an enhanced quality of life.
Areas of Intervention:
- The Foundation works with dieticians and other healthcare professionals to develop recipes, meal plans, and preparation tips for those with special dietary needs and restrictions.
- The Foundation collaborates with other organizations in support of Ontario’s Food and Nutrition Strategy and the Federal Government’s new Healthy Eating Strategies directed to the general population.
- The Foundation promotes consumption of healthy foods that have ingredients grown in Canada, such as pulses.
The Foundation’s stakeholders include any Canadians who benefit from making healthier food choices. This is a combination of the general population and those with underlying health conditions.
The Foundation satisfies stakeholders needs by working with partners who can develop and disseminate products, recipes and meal plans, together with related information; that are nutritious, easy to digest, look appetizing and taste delicious.
Stakeholders are attracted to the Foundation for its ability to:
- Facilitate and collaborate
- Assess projects
- Work effectively and efficiently
- Provide knowledge and financial resources
- Adhere to good governance practices
Business Arenas
- The Helderleigh Foundation is more than a donor. It is a philanthropic organization, engaged with its partners, seeking a social return. It offers knowledge and invests financially.
- The Helderleigh Foundation is in the business of applied nutrition rather than scientific research.
- The Helderleigh Foundation selects organizations that can commit to disseminate nationally.
- The Helderleigh Foundation favours projects that benefit a greater, rather than smaller, share of the population.
- The Helderleigh Foundation does not support capital campaigns or fundraising initiatives.
- The Helderleigh Foundation is not involved with programs of mental health, poverty, food security or community kitchens.
- The Helderleigh Foundation is based in Toronto and works primarily with partners located in the Province of Ontario.
Board of Directors
Chairman: Llewellyn Smith
Members: Susan Smith, Vince Morrison, Kostas Andrikopoulos
Staff: The Foundation specifically operates through volunteers. Thus, there is no full-time staff.